


Your details

Before we gather information about the person you are trying to find, please enter your own details. Please provide a phone number and if possible an email address, we will use the these to contact you if we have information about your loved one. Fields marked * are required.

What is your preferred method of contact if a match is found? *
Please enter at least one of the two contact fields (Email address / Phone number)

Find someone elsea family membera companion

Details of the person you are trying to find

Please fill in as much as you can to help find the person you are looking for. Fields marked * are required.

or years months

Where might they be?

If you think they might be at home, choose At home.
If you think they might be where you last had contact with them choose Last contact.
If you think they might be somewhere else, choose Somewhere else and enter these details.
If you don't know where they might be, just click Continue.

At home or Somewhere else or Last contact I don't know

Who might they be with?

Are there any relatives, neighbours, work colleagues, travelling companions or others that the person you are looking for might be with?
If so click Add companion and enter as many details as you can.
If not click Continue.

Add companion

Review details

Please check the details you have entered. If everything is OK, click Find.
If you need to edit anything, use the Change information buttons.

Your details

The person you are looking for

Possible locations

Possible companions

Enquiry submitted

Thank you for submitting an enquiry. Your receipt number is displayed below. We will contact you if the person you are trying to find registers with us.

Please let us know if you are reunited with the person you are trying to find. You will need the receipt number to do this so please write it down and keep it somewhere safe.

Receipt #